Are you ready to get started with us? Here’s the process: 

  1. SCHOOL TOUR— Prospective parents and students are welcome to visit our school for a tour of the facilities. Visits are scheduled through the school office. A member of our staff will provide answers to some initial questions along with an admissions packet with further information.
  2. APPLICATION — Application forms, including a signed Statement of Belief and Parent Agreement form, must be submitted before a student can be considered for admission. A birth certificate is required for all applicants. All forms, application, and fees should be submitted to the school office. Date of application is only one factor in the admission process and does not determine an applicant’s place on the waiting list.
  3. INTERVIEW— An interview appointment is scheduled with perspective parents. This is an opportunity for us to get to know you better and answer any questions you may have.
  4. ACCEPTANCE and REGISTRATION— Official acceptance or non-acceptance is communicated to parents in writing only if all admissions forms have been completed and submitted for review. Payment of the first month’s tuition is needed to hold the student’s place once your acceptance letter is received. A signed letter of acceptance along with the first month’s tuition payment should be submitted to the school office.
  5. PROGRESS MONITORING — Students are accepted on a nine-week probationary period based upon the best interest of the child and other children enrolled in our program. If the administration determines after nine weeks that the student or family would have greater success in a different program, a conference with the parents will be scheduled to determine the suitability of the student’s continued enrollment. If determined that a different facility would serve the family’s needs better, parents will be required to withdraw their child.
  6. HEALTH RECORD — Health forms and immunization records must be submitted. A student entering our school for the first time must submit a Virginia Physical Exam form completed by a licensed physician within the last year. This form will be mailed to you with your acceptance letter.
  7. PAYMENT OF TUITION and FEES — Several payment plans are available for paying tuition. Policies and procedures regarding fees for AECA are subject to change at any time during the school year upon posted and written notice. AECA offers a year around program with a rolling enrollment. The school year begins the 3rd week in August and ends the 2nd week in June; a total of 36 weeks. AECA offers a 6-week Summer Bridge program that is designed to be enrichment, help children retain what is learned during the school year, and maintain a learning routine throughout the summer.
  8. CALENDAR, SUPPLIES and UNIFORM — Parents will receive a list of school supplies needed, a calendar of events for the school year, and information regarding school uniforms.